Sunday, July 18, 2010

Change, Change, Change

I've lost track of the number of days since these writings began. It's been a few days since I've blogged my writings, though I have continued meditating and writing down messages from my Self, as well as a heck of a lot of energy movement and clearing. This Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies definitely did a job on and through me.

I seem to be back to center physically and spiritually I am different. I can't say how exactly. Third eye and crown centers are more open and I feel as well as see more vivid colors (purples, pinks, greens, golds, and lots of white light) and geometric patterns.

Yesterday, during a nap, I had a dream of being carried (with my books and journal) by a very handsome man with a French accent to a square vehicle for a very fast ride (as passengers and no sign of a driver) with strange scenery flying by. I was not afraid - more like amazed and observant. I asked my I AM Presence for a translation of the dream and got..."Trust in safety. Open to new experience. You have the knowledge and you are doing the work for fast transformation. Spirit is riding with you."

I've had other challenges over the past few weeks and have made some changes that in the past would have knocked me off center. The changes were needed and I knew it so the decisions were rather easy. I admit that for the first few days afterwards the ego messed with me ("What are you doing???"). I KNOW I AM a power much greater than I believe I AM. I Know that my ego is losing its power very quickly. Even though I don't understand it and even though I can't analyze it, I am going to trust in ME - a power that is greater than I Know. In trusting that I send forth that Power in the form of unconditional love to every thought form and manifestation that it be made Perfect in the Divine Plan for the enlightenment of the world.

So Be It. And, So It IS.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Light My Fire

Yes, I know, the last post was pretty intense but what can I say? NOW things have settled down and energy/light is flowing once again. Does that mean it's over? No, I don't believe that. My experience in times such as these is that the chaos energy pushes and pushes everything to be released to the top and then (sigh) comes peace. I am reminded and I see that we really are never given more than we can handle.

Meditation and energy work this morning created huge heart opening complete with tears, my body shaking/releasing and dna helix visions.

I am finally feeling as if I can do more than just get through the day and night. This, of course, is not the time to rest on my laurels. Yes, I'll allow things to settle in and I ask that the voids created be filled with my Mighty I AM Presence.

I'm feeling transformed. I'm feeling more on the way. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing.

And, So It IS,

Jose Feliciano - "Light My Fire" (1967)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chaos and Crisis

New layers of un-consciousness want to be seen and released. They've been working their way to this place for over a week now - building and building. Wow, this IS happening.

I am willing. I am willing. I am willing.

I am in some sort of 'dark night'. I can sleep for 2-3 hours only and am eating very little.

It wants to be released. I WANT it released. It's stuck and has been there a longgggg time. It's deep and old; lifetimes old.

The energies here now are drawing darkness to the surface. This, for me, is very similar to the years of 2002 - 2006. Relentless and overwhelming. Am I crazy? I thought I was through with this. Blah, blah, blah and around again. If feels as if aliens are in my body, pulling every which way. Once again, I can kick and scream and Why ME? I settle my self down for a bit and here it comes sneaking in again. I KNOW I can't control this; that I must surrender and trust.

Where did my intuition go? I've lost direction. I re-connect and I feel that connection. Before I know it I'm disoriented again. YIKES!

It is said that the Universe was created out of chaos. I do know that new beginnings have always seemed to follow times of crisis. I KNOW that in past times surrender and trust were the answer; the only answer. I will get through this but it is intense. There's a war going on in here and it's called Fear. This is the World Cup of Fear.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Do You Feel It?

Woke to "It's the Climb"

This has been a heck of a week for me energetically. Sunday is the Solar Eclipse. I always feel these planetary build ups. I am not always knowing that they are related to the energies working their way through me. Today I KNOW it. It is a challenge to stay present and surrendered. Aspects of my self are screaming (I don't want to be here!) and are calmed and released by I AM even if only momentarily. I (i) cannot control. I am once again not knowing who I am. Some say this is a good thing and I believe that to be true. It comes on me as an aha..."I don't know who I am anymore." Aspects of self are afraid of this. Other aspects are peaceful about it. I breathe and release the conflict.

My intention is to keep walking forward feet planted deeply. This is like child birth. There is no going back. It's all in there and it wants out. I AM assisting with every breath.

Keep climbing,

The Climb (with lyrics on-screen)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Have Been IN It

This week began with being tired. VERY tired. As the week has progressed, I have been tired, headachey with flu-like symptoms, and feeling of being ungrounded. Nothing to do for it but Trust and Surrender, knowing that this too shall pass. Knowing that there are levels of my consciousness that are doing their thing which effects my physical body, mind and spirit.

Let's hop on over to "perspective".

I can see this as Ok, I feel like crap and I want to get rid of it NOW! Or, I can see this as Ok, it's all good, just another level of healing that will pass if I Trust and Surrender to what IS.

So, although I did momentarily, from time to time over these past few days, go to the "crap" perspective I immediately went to Trust and Surrender. I pray each morning and gave thanks for the good stuff because I AM the good stuff. I am reminded of others who are going through the very same things but don't know what the heck is happening to them and I feel blessed - even momentarily.

If I look in my rear view mirror, I see that in years past this kind of energy would have had me in a panic wanting "IT" OUT. I am pleased with my self that I Now recognize these energies for what they are; a big letting go of energy no longer supported at my current vibration. It's just energy, I tell my self. Relax. Trust. Surrender.

Today I feel better after 3 solid days of not feeling so hot. I had many dreams and download talk during sleep time last night. Not so during previous nights this week. It's all connected in this build up and then a smooth flow comes in again.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Awareness of Awareness

Writing Down My Soul, Day 16
Body of Consciousness, Day 13

My body is tired today.

I had lovely guests for lunch yesterday to help me celebrate July 4th. I intended to stay aware of myself during the visit. Most of the time I was that director behind the camera watching. I did pretty well with it. I reviewed the experience after all had gone and saw where additional detachment is needed on my part.

What does that mean? Noticing. Noticing triggers. Noticing judgments and how the ego tries to jump in there in my head in the old, habitual way. I experienced standing back and watching on one level, while feeling and thinking on another level. Jeesh, no wonder, I get confused (but less so, with this practice). So much going on. But it's really cool to be over here and over here and over there; all in the same place. Somehow I feel and know this is all coming together to be ME; the REAL me.

Today, I rest, balance, acclimate.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Writing Down My Soul, Day 14
Body of Consciousness, Day 11

The cake is baking.

Oh, really? Chocolate, angel food, coconut? Cute.

I am behind the camera. Directing. Aware of awareness.

I'm feeling some fear around THAT statement. Feels pretty big. Better breathe.


'Flow' has become cliche. Often said but lost meaning because of over use. Cliche has truth. Flow has truth. Individual truth, historic and mass consciousness truth.

I feel an 'aha' here regards to perspective. Somehow I'm being led back to 'perspectives" from earlier in the week.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Writing Down My Soul, Days 12 & 13
Body of Consciousness, Days 9 & 10

Here are my notes from yesterday and today.

Awoke 3:45ish. My absolute favorite time of the day on Planet Earth. So much silence that I hear and feel movement.

Did you know that mockingbirds are awake and singing at night? (Well, early morning anyway.) I don't recall having experienced mockingbirds before this year. This is the second time this year. I'll check out the "totem" qualities and find out how (or, if?) mockingbird is playing out for me right now. I just don't believe in coincidences.

Mockingbird Lesson
The song of the mockingbird is, in fact, a medley of the calls of many other birds. Each imitation is repeated two or three times, then another song is started, all in rapid succession. As totem, mockingbird teaches the power of song and voice. It can also help find your “sacred song” or your life’s purpose. Your inner song is never lost. Mockingbird helps flush out people and events, allowing you to see who and what they are. You hear the true song of others. Mockingbird sings of harmony, creative imagination and intuition. Mockingbird is a very cool bird.

The weather this day in Tiburon will be glorious. No fog coming through the Golden Gate is a very good sign. I'm looking forward to lunch with an old school chum and appreciating friendship.

Many 'snippets' of thought are racing around in my head this morning. Slow down, I tell my self as I ask for message of Highest Good. Messages today are in the form of color, body energy (heart and head dizziness) and peace. I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed.


You're just going to have to write the blog today. There's too much for me to digest right now.

Back of the brain and crown/3rd eye activity.

"Opening occurred. AAA = absorb, acclimate, allow.

That's all she wrote folks!