Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chaos and Crisis

New layers of un-consciousness want to be seen and released. They've been working their way to this place for over a week now - building and building. Wow, this IS happening.

I am willing. I am willing. I am willing.

I am in some sort of 'dark night'. I can sleep for 2-3 hours only and am eating very little.

It wants to be released. I WANT it released. It's stuck and has been there a longgggg time. It's deep and old; lifetimes old.

The energies here now are drawing darkness to the surface. This, for me, is very similar to the years of 2002 - 2006. Relentless and overwhelming. Am I crazy? I thought I was through with this. Blah, blah, blah and around again. If feels as if aliens are in my body, pulling every which way. Once again, I can kick and scream and Why ME? I settle my self down for a bit and here it comes sneaking in again. I KNOW I can't control this; that I must surrender and trust.

Where did my intuition go? I've lost direction. I re-connect and I feel that connection. Before I know it I'm disoriented again. YIKES!

It is said that the Universe was created out of chaos. I do know that new beginnings have always seemed to follow times of crisis. I KNOW that in past times surrender and trust were the answer; the only answer. I will get through this but it is intense. There's a war going on in here and it's called Fear. This is the World Cup of Fear.


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