Friday, July 2, 2010


Writing Down My Soul, Days 12 & 13
Body of Consciousness, Days 9 & 10

Here are my notes from yesterday and today.

Awoke 3:45ish. My absolute favorite time of the day on Planet Earth. So much silence that I hear and feel movement.

Did you know that mockingbirds are awake and singing at night? (Well, early morning anyway.) I don't recall having experienced mockingbirds before this year. This is the second time this year. I'll check out the "totem" qualities and find out how (or, if?) mockingbird is playing out for me right now. I just don't believe in coincidences.

Mockingbird Lesson
The song of the mockingbird is, in fact, a medley of the calls of many other birds. Each imitation is repeated two or three times, then another song is started, all in rapid succession. As totem, mockingbird teaches the power of song and voice. It can also help find your “sacred song” or your life’s purpose. Your inner song is never lost. Mockingbird helps flush out people and events, allowing you to see who and what they are. You hear the true song of others. Mockingbird sings of harmony, creative imagination and intuition. Mockingbird is a very cool bird.

The weather this day in Tiburon will be glorious. No fog coming through the Golden Gate is a very good sign. I'm looking forward to lunch with an old school chum and appreciating friendship.

Many 'snippets' of thought are racing around in my head this morning. Slow down, I tell my self as I ask for message of Highest Good. Messages today are in the form of color, body energy (heart and head dizziness) and peace. I am blessed. I am blessed. I am blessed.


You're just going to have to write the blog today. There's too much for me to digest right now.

Back of the brain and crown/3rd eye activity.

"Opening occurred. AAA = absorb, acclimate, allow.

That's all she wrote folks!


  1. Mockingbird eh? Middle of the night, I have heard a bird at 2 and 3 AM when working night shifts in Napa, and thought it was quite strange, but reminded me of Mexico since there are birds there all through the night. Interesting stuff. Carry on my little bird listener.

  2. I just realized that Mockingbird has been in my awareness 3 times (not two) this year! Remember, I read "To Kill A Mockingbird" recently? B
