Friday, July 9, 2010

Do You Feel It?

Woke to "It's the Climb"

This has been a heck of a week for me energetically. Sunday is the Solar Eclipse. I always feel these planetary build ups. I am not always knowing that they are related to the energies working their way through me. Today I KNOW it. It is a challenge to stay present and surrendered. Aspects of my self are screaming (I don't want to be here!) and are calmed and released by I AM even if only momentarily. I (i) cannot control. I am once again not knowing who I am. Some say this is a good thing and I believe that to be true. It comes on me as an aha..."I don't know who I am anymore." Aspects of self are afraid of this. Other aspects are peaceful about it. I breathe and release the conflict.

My intention is to keep walking forward feet planted deeply. This is like child birth. There is no going back. It's all in there and it wants out. I AM assisting with every breath.

Keep climbing,

1 comment:

  1. WOW what a way to express what is going on "like childbirth". I like that.

    "I don't know" Period. is my greatest thought so far today.
