Monday, June 21, 2010

The Experience

Writing Down My Soul: Day 4

Dreams of talking with my ego about fear. I used the analogy of horror films in this talk with ego (which I haven't watched since "Halloween" and made the decision not to scare my Self any more!). "Experience the fear and you will see that it is not real."

I AM, I AM, I AM. I AM ready to receive.

I call to My Circle of Light - all those Beings of this Soul's Highest Good, and ask you to join me in in this Now Moment. I AM open to your light and love.

Connecting with the breath, I am feeling challenged to allow the energy to flow without the mind interference.

Focused Breathing.

Heart energy becomes huge then moving down to the solar plexus front and back filling, swirling and moving down, down and out the bottoms of my feet, down down. Breathe, breathe and the breath becomes shallow with long spaces between in/out.

"Experiential" and I KNOW that is what this is about.

I'm sitting in a dentist's chair with the 'laughing gas' mask thingy over my nose (my favorite part of going to the dentist!) and I'm at that stage of the gas when the head goes waaaah, waaaah, waaaah.

I AM Awareness watching awareness and the multi-dimensional qualities of the experiences of the mind, body, emotions, feelings and oh, so much more. We all come together in Trust and surrender. Soooo much is going on right Now. I am every where all at once filled will light and color. Not just any color - purples, violets, golds and whites whiter than white as the body breathes itself.

I ask What is this about? What do you want to share?

"The experience. The Oneness."

I see and feel from high above this body, through the middle of the body, out and down far below the body, a pillar of white light. I feel more than grounded by this Light.

I AM grateful.

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