Friday, June 25, 2010

The Sound of Music

Writing Down My Soul, Day 7
Body of Consciousness, Day 4

I start the waking up this day early (Later look and see it is 3:45 a.m. This is not unusual. I close my eyes and hear music. This is also not unusual. Sometimes it's the same song for daaayys. Just can't get it out of my head. Me singing to me. This is a completely new one. I've posted it if you're interested.

"doo doo do doo. doo doo do doo."
The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

I go through the ritual of connecting - of course, now I also send out the invitation to Body of Consciousness. All are in place, thank you very much!

I AM a mighty oak tree with strong, Divine light-filled roots extending around my Self and reaching down, down into the Mother - back up through the trunk and limbs reaching up, up to Father/Mother. The light flows beautifully back down to the heart. (There's that 'confluence' again. Yummy.)

I AM ready to receive.

The little girl skips up to and knocks at the door.
Can you all come out to play?
Off they go. I release them to do their own thing and I refocus to here/now.

The heart is a boat (Living Spirit) 'tethered', but being pulled by the currents. (Don't you just love all the words and metaphors?) With each strong pull "Stay in your boat".

Feeling schizophrenic as multiple films are projected and roll by. Lots of spinning in the lower energy centers.

Finally, I pull into the station: Fill 'er up, please.
I AM blessed.

A little caveat here, you all.
We're being bombarded (All for Highest Good, of course!) with amazing energy. We signed up for, begged and prayed for this now moment. No sniveling allowed. Stay in your own boat.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful song my friend who sings. I bet a lot of us wake up with songs in our heads, but do not hear them since we have all the other stuff we think of. I get a song every now and then. I love your blog and all that you share, no matter what time you get up!! Keep it up
