Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Insight

Writing Down My Soul, Day 6
Body of Consciousness, Day 2

If you recall, yesterday was the first day of meditation after inviting Body of Consciousness to play with me. It was a bit of a challenging day energetically. The physical body once again experienced what I call "hot waves". Also, that "roiling" energy throughout the body and mind. These energies always tell me that I'm in a release time. I have to BE with these energies, (feel them - YIKES!) and breathe and breathe deeply some more in order to release. This, by the way, gives the mind something to do too. I've found that understanding is over rated. I don't need to KNOW what is being released. It is, quite simply, ready to go. At the end of all this, I feel an emptiness of sorts. I ask for and picture Golden Light of Father/Mother God's Perfection entering through the crown and filling my body. This light is intelligent and knows where to go to fill the void(s) left behind from the release(s) and So It Is. And, this my friends, IS THE WORK.

Meditation today was experiential. Get your own. LOL!

The Insight came during that meditation - no words, just Knowing. The three aspects of Body Consciousness (Energy Body, Living Spirit & Master Intelligence) had previously been coming into my Awareness. With my personal invitation to them to "Come on in and play with me", they hit the ground running. They needed more space than was available. This triggers all the bodies to work together to release whatever is ready to be released - from whatever lifetime. Me, I just need to get out of the way. Surrender and allow. I'm always guided as to what I can do to assist (eat, breathe, sleep, walk - whatever). My job is to follow that guidance and the sooner I do that, the sooner that space is created.

At the end of meditation today I was in a mountain valley. Three rivers came together in the center of that valley. They had traveled a long and challenging distance in order to re-unite. These rivers were happiness beyond happiness. I stood there in the center of that confluence quietly drowning in 3 rivers of joy at the same time.

Aha! another Insight. As I wrote the word 'confluence', it was like, Where did that word come from? I don't remember knowing that word. I looked it up and indeed it was the perfect expression of where I was.

WikiDictionary states: Confluence: In geography, describes the meeting of two or more bodies of water. It refers to the point where a tributary joins a more major river, called the mainstem. It indicates the source (river or stream)—headwaters where two or more streams meet to become One.

Do you think there's a message in there somewhere?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenda, I like your style about all of this,,,laughing as you go. "Laughter is the only way to true love." That is not my original thought, but a line from your favorite movie Michael,,,,he says it. You are so open I love that you see what you see and you put it out here for all of us to see. Thanks for your contribution. Carry on.
