Saturday, June 19, 2010

Meet "Tony"

Ok, here we go. Day 2 of 30. Now, please understand that what you get here is what I (emphasis on I) get. No rhyme or reason to it.

I sometimes (in fact, almost always lately!) wake up with words in my head. Yesterday it was "body elemental". OK.... I Google (Don't you just l o v e Google?) 'body elemental' and find out we all have one. Google it if you're interested. So the fact that I have this incredible Being that has been with me since Forever totally resonates.

From my journal....
I awoke and officially met "Tony" - a small in size (it seems) Being that has been with me "for eons". I had asked with great love (only yesterday) that my "body elemental" show itself and communicate with me. Well.. Ask & it is given.

I asked, What shall I call you?
Are you kidding me?
"Yes. - And No", said with giggles, for this is a very playful energy.
Well all right then. Tony it is. Pleased to meetcha!

Off and on of late there has been energy of pain and stuckness (Don't you love new made-up words?) in the left (masculine) of my body. I asked Tony to help release it and immediately felt a shift of consciousness to the left. Tony sits on my left shoulder (I told you he's small!). "I" got out of the way and Tony assisted/moved energy out and down. I felt/saw garbage being hauled to a landfill, composted and returned via large trucks. What was in the trucks? L O V E.

Thank you, Dear Tony.
My Pleasure

And finally,
Time for the Blog. Ok, Barb!


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