Sunday, June 27, 2010

Surrender to Happiness

Writing Down My Soul, Day 8
Body of Consciousness, Day 5

After my day of 'doing nothing' yesterday I slept really well and am rested. I am constantly shown what happens when I surrender. It encourages me. I'm feeling very happy.

Hmmm. What is happiness?

My BFF for the past few weeks has been expressing her simple happiness to me almost every day. She has gone through a very challenging 10 months or so. And then, she surrendered to all that she was resisting. The result? Happiness.

A number of years ago (when I started this awakening) I read whatever I could get my hands on if I thought it would help me to understand what was happening to me. There was a lot of talk about happiness and joy. Joy? What's that? I realized that I not only had no joy, but that I had completely forgotten what it felt like.

Over the years of this work, joy has crept back into my Being. Joy is a HUGE word and a HUGER feeling encompassing happiness and gratitude. Sometimes it comes in the form of simple peace and contentment. Nature is abundantly joyful. Watch a tree sometime as it reaches for and soaks up the sunshine or the rain. Watch a puppy or a small child play and you see that they don't THINK about whether they are are happy - or not. They are pure un-self-awareness and joy. They simply are and they BE.

I notice that when I pray now (I did not know how in the beginning.) I am not asking for God to do or be or whatever. My prayers are expressions of sheer gratitude for the fulness of my contentment. I have never felt less burdened by myself or by the world.

Most folks think that "happiness" is pure luck - something that will descend upon you like fine weather if you're lucky enough. Luck? No. My happiness is the consequence of personal effort. I have to stay on top of my happiness; acknowledging it, smiling to it, singing to it and asking for more of it because I am worth it. If I don't stay on top of my happiness, I know that it will leak out little by little like air from a balloon. I must participate all the time in the creation of my blessings.

All the sorrow and trouble in this world is created by unhappy people. On a personal level, I can sure see how my own unhappiness brought suffering or distress to those around me. On a global level, take a look at Hitler or any of the other unhappy dictators of history. I see the search for happiness and contentment not just self-benefiting, but as a generous gift to the world - one person at a time. Yes, it feels that BIG to me and, after all is said and done, I can only change me.

No Sounds of Music today. Bobby McFaren (Don't Worry, Just Be Happy) comes to mind though. Google it on YouTube if you are so inclined.


1 comment:

  1. Happiness. I love this one. I have stopped looking for things to make me happy, and instead "Decided" to be happy and then look for things that are all around me and in my day.

    I love reading things that are put in front of me when I need to read them(like this post)....Ahhhh life is grand.

    But then I guess it is how I choose to see it.
