Thursday, June 24, 2010

"It Is Safe Now"

Writing Down My Soul: Day 6

I am in a place called Tiburon. I Wikipedia'd "Tiburon" and found several islands around the world (including one in Haiti!) called Tiburon. Tiburón means "shark" in Spanish. My Tiburon is a part of the Tiburon Peninsula; a landform of the San Francisco Bay Area's Marin County. The Tiburon Peninsula is home of a number of rare and endangered flora species. Tiburon is also the site of ancient Native American rock carvings left by the Coast Miwok indians who lived here for thousands of years. Whether Lt. Juan Manuel de Ayala saw a number of sharks (leopard sharks to be exact!) near where he anchored his ship (the San Carlos) in August 1775, off what is now Angel Island, or whether the tree-covered Tiburon Peninsula looked like a shark, no one seems to know. He named the land Punta del Tiburon, or Shark Point.

That was our history lesson for the day; thank you very much.

I sit and watch the light and colors change as the sun rises and the fog moves over Angel Island and the waters of the San Francisco Bay. I hear fog horns, bird songs and movement of water. I feel a cool breeze on my face and around my body. All of me smiles at the beauty of it All.

Thank you Father/Mother, God/Goddess, All That IS
I am grateful for this new day.

Mother Earth
I thank you from my heart for this beauty and bountiful magnificence.

Thank you for allowing me to share this experience with you.
I AM abundance.

I had a bit of a poem come in to my Awareness just now. "Hidden" seems to be the subject. Guess I'll have to wait for that to be revealed. I AM patient.

I connect and call to my Circle of Light to join me in this NOW. I take "roll call". All are present and accounted for. I AM grateful for the Company of Heaven. I AM, I AM, I AM ready to receive.

At the end of meditation this day I feel/see a girl child running freely and joyously. She is maybe 4-5 years old with long, shiny, light brown ringlets blowing wildly around her head. This is the shiniest little human being with blue eyes you ever did see. I smile as I watch her romping and rolling through the wildflowers. My heart opens wide. I ask her Where have you been?


So, you're not hiding any more?

"No, It's safe now."

Yes, it IS safe now.


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